Sunday, March 20, 2016

The above political cartoon is a parody of Donald Trump's reality TV show, "Celebrity Apprentice." The only difference is that in this instance it seems that Trump is the employee and Hitler is the Nazi. It's fairly easy to identify the two, as the man on the left has Trump's iconic bleached blonde comb-over and black suit and red tie, while the man on the right sports the classic comb-over and toothbrush mustache combined with the obvious swastika armband. The cartoonist here is quite clearly suggesting that Donald Trump is taking over the position of spreading Adolf Hitler's racist and fascist philosophies, similarly to how an employee would take over a position in a business. It's evident that the seat Hitler is in is larger than the one Trump sits in, also the paperwork is under Hitler, and not to mention the fact that Hitler says, "you're hired"--all of which support a sense of succession or rite of passage. The cartoonist also uses shadowing in her background to foreshadow possible results of Trump becoming president. There are two shadows in the picture, one that falls behind Hitler and one that hangs over Trump. The placement of shadows suggest that the destructive era of Hitler is behind us, but if we allow Trump to become a world leader, we can only expect a re-submergence into chaos and segregation.

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