Sunday, December 13, 2015

Gatsby's Daisy and the Diamond as Big as the Ritz


To all the creative minds that scan blogs for interesting and thought provoking ideas and views on humanity and its course, I apologize for this post. My writing is unorganized, my thoughts are unoriginal and my methods are unorthodox--at least that is what I've been told. If after reading this post you want the last three minutes of your life back, I apologize. If you feel the need to murder me solely on the awfulness of this post, please don't do that. I promise I'm a nice guy. 


The higher I climb, the air seems to thin; it seems breathing becomes more difficult. 

I remember back in elementary school all I ever had to worry about was--nothing really. In the morning, Mom would wake me up at about 8:00 am. She'd then proceed to make me breakfast. I'd whine to her about the scrambled eggs being "overdone" while I sat on my future ACT and SAT textbooks. She'd say sorry. Then she'd drive me to school. There the teachers walked me through new activities: finger painting, counting numbers and reading. The teachers would evoke my imagination and told me to explore myself. They'd read me fairy tales with happy endings; Cinderella kissing her Prince Charming and Snow White riding off into the sunset with hers. The teachers would constantly badger me about how "everything is possible as long as you believe." 

Then came the middle school years, and ooh they were R-O-U-G-H. In the morning, I'd wake up at about 6:40 am and make sure Mom was okay. I'd then proceed to make Mom breakfast, bring it up to her on the foldable table. She'd whisper to me "I love you" and "thank you" while she laid in her recliner bed. I'd close the door and say sorry. Then I'd walk down two blocks to ride the bus to school. There I scribbled notes through my classes: double-advanced math, advanced English, sciences. I would learn to think and see things linearly and I told myself to become someone others liked. I'd read Grimm's fairy tales; the sisters visions' were pecked out by doves and the queen is bound to burning-hot iron shoes until she perishes for trying to maintain her status. I would constantly remind myself about how "at the end of everything is nothing, at the end of beliefs are empty promises."

Everything seems to get worse as we age--especially in America's literature. 
What I read in preschool about the muppets and the friendly purple dinosaur, contrasts largely when compared to books America considers classics, such as "The Bluest Eye" and "The Great Gatsby"; both which examine humans driven into a deep desperation by society. I understand that these pieces are so great because of their critical and true presentation of our evil nature, calling readers to action or at least to attention of needed change in society. But why can't it just be me loving you and you loving me in the first place? And if mistakes happen, why can't we just stop blaming each other and clean up, clean up everywhere with everyone doing his or her share?

I just don't get it. 
Maybe I will when I finally reach to top (if I make it). 

But Daniel, at the top of Everest, everything below you, you've already seen and done and there's nothing but open air around and above you. 

I guess we were right about that then weren't we?
I guess we were right about that then weren't we?

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Hey how are you today?
Come and play.
Come in--it's okay.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
Come Inside.
It's beautiful.
There isn't anything quite like it, is there?

Hiya red!
How are you doing?
Shut up.
Please don't stop the music.
Tiny Tim touches Tough Tommy's heart.
Bless you.

You see the blue squares rotating?I see nothing!
I think you're a great person. You really should know that.
Haha. Haha.
No. Yes.
What. Shut up.
So back to what I was saying--money makes the world go 'round--
Peter Piper picks a peck of pickled peppers.Does he though?
Who are you?The real question is who am I?
In the name of God the father I cleanse you.Be freed

It's yellowA bright marigoldIt's mine.
C'mon nowJust relaxHave some fun.
I really do need youWhere are you now that I need youWhere are you now.
Mary had a little lambA little lambA little lamb.
Splish splashSplish splashSplish splash.
Why are you hereWhat did you come forWhy do you do what you do?
I pray Lord that you'd help him seeHelp him unsterstand what I've doneAmen.








Dont leave me.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


This blog post does not follow the general outline of which it must pertain to class. It is a genuine outburst of emotion. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work is illegal. Any found doing so will be found and given justice. Viewer digression is advised.

Do you ever not know what you are doing with your life? Do you ever just sit on your unreasonably large bed considered luxurious for a married couple back in the 1920's, watching a youtube video of cats playing a piano? Are you ever annoyed that the instructions on your dinner require a whopping total of 6 minutes in the microwave? Ever find yourself up at 2 AM trying to figure out what crappy movie to watch next on Netflix?  Have you ever gotten a headache from staring an illuminated screen for too long? Have you ever gotten home at 3 PM, and only until about 9 PM started all the assigned homework in every single one of the six AP classes you decided to take Junior Year? Do you just wish you remembered what you did between 3 PM and 9 PM? Oh wait, didn't you spend 4 out of 6 hours scrolling through your twitter feed? Have you ever even stepped outside to enjoy the beautiful weather? Is life just monotonous and repetitive? Well look no further!/ Prepare to be amazed!/ Well worry no more!/ etc.

We here at BMS Inc. ,Being-A-Millennial-Sucks Incorporated, have something to say:

We do realize that with technology life is much more simple and efficient, however, it seems that our generation really have become bound to technology. Nowadays, when you walk through Somerset Mall, 8 out of 10 people are on a phone, laptop or bluetooth, rather than chatting with their friends, family or coworkers they are with. Nowadays, when you walk down your street on a school-day afternoon, the neighborhood is empty because all of the youth are congregating on multiplayer videogame platforms or internet message boards rather than playing 2 v 2 basketball or soccer. We as a nation have become too dependent technology. Every single household has at least one car. Every single household has a smartphone. Every single household has a microwave. We are becoming these parasitic slugs: slow-moving, obese, privileged, drunken and ignorant. We've stopped enjoying the simple things of life. Rarely do you see a Millennial walking or running to buy groceries from the general store a mile down the street. Rarely do you see a Millennial going to his girlfriend's house to ask her parents if he can take her on a date. Rarely do you see a Millennial taking an hour to cook a nice meal for himself. We've become too dependent on technology. We need our technology as much as we need food, water and sleep. And that's a really scary thought if you really think about it. The religion each one of us grew up with may have been different, but there is one general principle that every religion follows: The God(s) provide. God(s) said that we need four things: food, water, sleep and each other. The Law of Conservation of Energy states that everything in the universe exists in a closed state. Nothing can be produced by nothingness itself, rather it must be derived from another source. So by creating this new necessity, not only are we playing the hands of God(s), we've also taken away the importance of the other four necessities created by The God(s) himself, mainly the need of other. With that, technology really seems to be isolating us as individuals, making this absolute need of human contact blurred, if not obsolete. Sure technology does in fact allow us to converse over long distances, but the intimacy shared during those personal meetings doesn't exist. And this is just the beginning. As technology continues to evolves, our need for new technology will become greater, and like we stated before: nothing can be created from nothingness, it must be derived from another source. It's truly a terrifying when you think about it. I mean the Wachowski Brothers may be right about the future, minus the fact a hypothetical Neo's existence, or a Morpheus even. But as a Millennial: #IDGAF #ehwhatevs #alrightcool #whattodowithlyfe #toomanyhashtags

And that's why you need, the GOTinator! It effectively does one thing: Get you off your Technology!

 It can break your car!
(shows video clip of car exploding)
Woman #1: (gives thumbs up) Thanks GOTinator! Now I can walk to buy groceries!(Smiles)

It can lock your smartphone!
(shows video clip of smartphone exploding)
Teen Boy #1: (gives same thumbs up and same pose) Thanks GOTinator! Now I can learn how to actually ask for my girlfriend's parents' permission to take her on a date!(Smiles the same)

It can even turn off your microwave!
(shows video clip of microwave exploding)
Obese American Man #1: (gives same thumbs up and same pose)Thanks GOTinator! Now I can actually take time to cook a good healthy meal! (Smiles the same)

Get your very own GOTinator today!

IF you order within the next five minutes, we'll include a GOTinator-mini no extra charge!



IF you are one of the next ten callers, we'll cut the payments in half! Only 6 payments of 29.99!

800-BMS0INC  Call Today!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Week 10 Blogpost (missed)

In Class Essay Rewrite:

In Morrison’s prologue to The Bluest Eye, the author utilizes nature as a catalyst to not only prelude the plot, but also to quickly state her themes and focus as well as alert the readers attentions to the “taboo” issues prevalent in Society that It refuses to acknowledge and change. “Fall” (Morrison 6), is the transitional season between summer and winter, the change from the season representing fertility and life to the season representing death and barrenness. In the very first sentence, Morrison sets the story in “the fall of 1941” (Morrison 6). By doing so, readers can infer that the story will be tragic--and with all tragedy, there exists a causation. Based off that, we can assume that Toni Morrison will further explore the causation or causations for such a tragedy and the role that Society plays throughout it. As I had touched on before, “fall” is also a transitional season (Morrison 6). Morrison’s choice to use such a transitional season, instead of a peak season, implies that the story will not only bear continuously development but also enforce a change in mindset. Also, because Morrison decides to employ “fall” (summer to winter) instead of spring (winter to summer) we can predict that the story will take a change for the worse; a tragedy (Morrison 6). Morrison continues this extended metaphor of nature, describing seeds “that did not sprout”, to create a sense of disparity (Morrison 6). This idea of seeds failing to “sprout”(6) because they had been “planted too far down in the earth” hints at the causation of the tragedy (Morrison 6). It seems that the seeds were overwhelmed by the “earth” itself, the “earth” which it will always be a part of (Morrison 6). So if the seeds symbolized the unique individual identities of men and the composition of the identities, the “earth” would represent the collection of humankind--Society (Morrison 6). The seeds’ failure to grow because of the earth serves as a sort of allegory that parallels man’s (specifically minority’s) destruction and oppression by societal standards. By writing such, the novel’s prologue effectively makes use of nature to foreshadow the plot and define her purpose for writing The Bluest Eye.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Reading Guide Questions

Reading Guide Answers

  • I predict that the chapter beginning on page 81 will talk about Peccola and how she falls astray. I predict this because the chapter heading is "Seethecatitgoesmeowmeowcome / and playcomeandplaywithjane / thekittenwillnotplayplayplaypla." Cats are independent creatures--living alone. Cats that have no home are stray cats. According to the chapter heading, the cat will not play with Jane--who we infer is a parallel to Peccola. We can also see that the spaces are still missing, connoting a sense of urgency and loss of control. Taking all those factors into account, I predict that the chapter will tell readers about Peccola's worst moments and how her life spirals out of control to the point which she becomes so "disgusting" and so "astray" from societal norms that even a cat won't "play" with her.
  •  Mobile, Meridian, Aiken and Baton Rouge are all populated heavily by African Americans. If I were to guess what was so important about them is that each of them have a hidden secret it keeps behind its curtains, away from the public eye.
  • Honestly, I have no idea why curly/wavy-hair women straighten their hair nor why straight-hair women curl their hair, it has always been a mystery to me. To "worry about the edges of [one's] hair" seems to refer to some sort of beauty standard. Maybe it references how women hate "split ends" (what even is a split end?) or maybe it references how people present themselves to the world.
  • I think the clause is a juxtaposition of the common belief that white colored skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes are the beauty standard. Like I said before, the cities Morrison named were heavily populated by African Americans. Therefore, it is likely that the beauty standard in those said cities is in fact the "lovely black necks that stretch as though against an invisible collar." The collar could also be an allusion to slavery. Who knows. Valentino does.
  • To me, "funkiness" describes anything that deviates from normality. Different connotations of funk include: 80's music, crazy vibrant colors,  drugs, Bruno Mars.
  • People clean and organize when they have problems as a desperate act to literally "clean" and "organize" their life. I personally do this as well and I find it helps because it gives me a sense of control as well as confidence to once again face my problems head on.
  • People like cats because they're independent and require very little maintenance. I genuinely hate cats so I find them utterly repulsive and see no values or "qualities...that are good."
  • If a mother never expressed love or tenderness to her child, regardless of how well she satisfied his physical needs, the child would become detached from the world and he'd never trust anyone or allow anyone to latch onto him. The child would be very cold and stoic--emotionless.
  • The distinction being made here is regarding a man's ability to control anything and everything, regardless of skin color. This statement is very clear and truly crude and disgusting. I mean to begin the  single distinction made is if a man can be civilized or not. I mean really? So you're telling me that if I found a WHITE man and he was loud, obnoxious and UNcivilized, that he too would be a "nigger"? If to you that is how it is, then first off, I'd like to say that you've got to be the spawn of Satan to even consider that. Secondly, I hope you realize the historical negative connotations that word carried and how utterly putrid of a person you can be to even dare to label someone as that. Thirdly, why do we have to continue to recycle social issues we have already overcome as a nation and recreate this divide between us? 
  • Possible implications: Innocence-snowflake/dying or falling-lost or destroyed/pavement-society; wintertime-snowflake/wintertime-death. So "innocence is lost as society destroys it" or a foreshadowing of death and loss or tragedy.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

I've noticed that all throughout the class, Valentino's 11 AP has been discussing controversial subjects as well as the academic truths and passionate opinions well-known writers carry and how they present their ideas. We've discussed patriotism, race, memorialization and feminism. For those who are fighting for their personal beliefs and have made sacrifices for them, I personally commend. Those that have been mocked for being "different" and are standing up for themselves, you have my utmost respect. However, not every battle can be won. Contrary to what your parents have told you, some fights are impossible or unrealistic to win. Gender equality is one of them. Since the beginning of time, humans were divided by one quality: gender. It is a divide that has always existed between people. Adam and Eve were both of the same race, age and sexuality. The only difference: Adam had a penis, and Eve had a vagina. Because of this,  man won't be able to understand woman and vice versa. Because of this, I can't find a woman that has Barbie's perfects sizes and Prager can't "find a man who looks as good in clam diggers"( Prager 354). The man who created Barbie didn't wholly understand what woman really is, frankly he never will. Mr. Ryan is not a single case. Man, at this time now, can't undestand woman and because of that gender differences will thrive, regardless of geographical location. Gender differences are not like race or sexuality, man cannot truly experience a complete pregnancy a woman experiences nor can a woman understand the intrinsic pressures placed on a boy to carry his future family. Also a female will never be able to sympathize with the awkward moment when a boy has an errection and is asked to stand up by his english teacher in front of all his peers. I'm not saying to not fight the good fight. I'm saying that maybe the direction we are moving towards to solve these differences is misguided. Everything that exists in this physical realm, including the abstract, is chronic, not perpetual. Nothing is impossible forever, solving impossible just needs a change in mindset. People used to think that a mile under four minutes was impossible, but Roger Bannister changed that. He changed their mindset so much that a sub-four minute mile is now standard. What we need, is a Roger Bannister. We need a manifestation of the revolutionary idea that will bridge the genders. But change won't happen if no one takes action. We need to keep fighting the good fighting but be aware of new possibilities. It just takes a different perspective.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

This poster encouraged sacrificial contributions to the Winter Aid. The text translates: “Don’t give. Sacrifice.” Courtesy of Dr. Robert D. Brooks.:
The images displayed to the left are Nazi Propaganda and a chapter page from the graphic novel Maus by Art Spiegelman, respectively. The Nazi Propaganda translates "Don't give. Sacrifice." and depicts a giant hand, which takes up a little less than half the poster itself. Magnifying the hand creates a sort of superior and holy effect around, making the action being described seem righteous.The palm of the hand is also notably loose and solemnly open, appearing very peaceful. To add on, the gigantic hand is reaching across this pictorial plane, first reaching across the Nazi Swastika and into a blank space, white and unblemished. This action is blatantly states that those which sacrifice are not only a part of the Nazi Party but also are sacrificing to a greater good--a righteous idea. The two separate color spaces are harmonious and are enclosed in negative space. By doing so, the Nazi Party is effectively displaying that only their beliefs, their ideals and their way is the Only way; nothing exists outside of it. Two coins are illustrated on the poster as well, one being directly in front of the palm of the giant's hand and one between the giant's pointer and middle finger. This image can be seen in two different perspectives: these coins are falling into the giant's hand or falling out of the giant's hand. Both perspectives, however, achieve the goal of the Nazi Party. If the coins are falling into the hand, then the god-like limb is an analogy to the Nazi Party, further exhibiting the honorable nature of their decisions. The coins then represent the citizen himself and his sacrifices. Interestingly, the second coin is also between the white space and negative space, which reflects that the sacrifices of those who are not necessarily of Aryan descent, but share similar beliefs, will also be accepted. Note also that there are only two coins on the poster. This shows that every last sacrifice counts. In contrast, if the coins are falling out of the hand, then the two coins represent the offering of everything a man has. This act alludes to the actions of a parable in the Bible. From Mark 12, Jesus teaches his disciples stand outside a synagogue, observing the people and their offerings. Many rich people pass, offering tens of thousands of coins, but only a portion of what they own. Jesus comments that those men are not in favor of the Lord. Finally, "a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins" (Mark 12:42 NIV) which Jesus remarks has given the greatest offering of all, since she had given all she had. This creates an ethos as a large majority of the European countries were Catholic. In the second artwork, Art Spiegelman draws an image of mice being burned alive. Continuing the theme of sacrifice, when the Jews made offerings to Jehovah, they burned an animal they considered holy. Ironically, the mice which metaphorically represents the Jews, are being sacrificed and burned to death. Outside the large panel, six flies can be seen spectating the disaster. These flies connote death, plague, deterioration and the Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub. Strangely enough, Beelzebub is not only one of the "seven princes of hell" according to Catholic Demonology but it is also generally associated with the number 666; three sixes, three dynasties, the Third Reich. It seems here that Spiegelman is trying to link the Nazi Party, or the Third Reich, to the devil himself. He also furthers this as the burning mice are engulfed by overwhelming and infinite flames, much like the flames of hell. Through this, Spiegelman contradicts and questions the "holiness" of the German Citizens' sacrifices, leaving viewers to see the giant hand (on the first image) to be not of righteous intent, but rather of malevolent descent. Both images depict the same idea, however from two very different perspectives. Through the eyes of the Aryan, the eradication of the Jews was seen as a sacrifice for a peaceful utopia. To the rest of the world it was very distinct; it was a destruction of a culture of men like ourselves. No one can argue that sacrifices are necessary, but no one can deny that the sacrifice must be for what he believes is a toward greater good. Everyday, animals are sacrificed for our survival, according to a 2013 report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a total average of 90,000 cattle were slaughtered daily for the American's daily needs. So what difference does it make if we add one more cut of meat in the butcher shop?  I guess in the end it really just depends on a man's sense of morality, his perspective. After all, only the man himself can see through his mind's eye. And that's all there is to it. It's just a different perspective.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Society is Vitreous

Society [so·ci·e·ty] (noun)
people in general thought as living together in organized communities with shared laws, traditions, and values

A glass castle. A seemingly perfect and ideal structure marred by multitude of flaws. It is never complete nor ever will be completed. It is a fallacy; but a dream, an idea welding the individual grains of sand as a single material. Society is composed of multiple panels of glass, each supporting the other; all a part of a greater architecture. Society is both transparent and translucent; both clear
 and distortedSociety takes time to gather and melt as one. Some glass castles are built with a deeper understanding and are meticulously scanned again and again before placing even the first piece of the foundation; others are built overnight--however each one will eventually crack. Society is fragile. Society may stand against mild breezes, and light precipitation. But even in the eye of the storm, the glass castle will fall by the smallest pebble thrown against it. It will shatter, then crumble--fractured into a profusion of broken shards.

The vestigial communities of a once great society still exist, but are empty. Similarly to how Auschwitz II Birkenau and Auschwitz I (spiegelman 51) were both drawn seemingly desolate, the vacant communities represent isolation. Within a broken society it becomes every man for himself. Self-preservation becomes adamant regardless of what negative repercussions occur towards other members of the same society. Some members of society "r[u]n inside the toilets"(67), hid[e] inside pipes and hid[e] inside "[their] own block" composed of "several rooms...and hundreds of beds"(63) to avoid the punishments and the "selektion"(67).  But behind the selfish nature, small groups of the society began to band together to reform secretive cadres within the prison camps, helping one another with try to rebuild a broken obsolete society--two mice on each pipe (71).  

But although the glass castle has been reduced to microscopic granules, 
the granules are still of the same material:

 With this in mind, regardless of how fragmented, how broken, how separated a society becomes--we still are of the same being. 

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much
Helen Keller

We have the same goals, same ideas, and that is what allows us to once again meld together--becoming stronger than that of the past. That is what will rebuild our glass castle, our Society. You just have to give It some time.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Singularity is Unrealistic

Singularity [sin·gu·lar·i·ty] (noun)
1 :     the quality or state of being singular
2 :     a point or region of infinite mass density at which space and time are infinitely distorted by gravitational              forces and, which is held to be the final state of matter falling into a black hole

"To become Something, is to become nothing at all."

"Therefore shall and man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Genesis 2:24

 "So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members of another."

Romans 12:5

The belief in which a man himself is an individual is simply unrealistic. Since the beginning of time, Man was not alone. Woman came from man, and man was part of woman. Both relied on each other to have a definition, a meaning so to speak. All of us are a part of an existing faction. None of us are an individual. We were born from parents. Not one of us on this Earth can deny is not a part of the unified group we know as Society. For each one of us to exist, it is adamant that he obey Society's decree, or be smitten by the Him. Men fail if they grow up to be but spiritual leaders or profitable workers and "[women] fail if [they] gr[o]w up to be but wives or [suitable helpers]" (Kingston 19). Truly becoming a singularity requires the absolute detachment from other beings and items. This ideal is unrealistic: letting everything go--everything that defines you--to become an individual. What becomes of you then? You have nothing, you are nothing, Nothing defines you. You gave up everything to become something, but that something you wanted to become, was truly nothing. You cannot exist as a true individual without distorting space or time. You, the individual, are a void.

To become Something, is to become nothing at all.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Doing is Overrated

Doing is Overrated

Doing [do·ing] (noun)
the act of making something happen through your own action

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Oh what was that? Oh yeah--the elevator cause you're not on my level!" (Katie Nickens, 11)

"But like I still don't really get it..."

"Did you like not catch that? Again? Do I have to repeat myself?"


"Doing is like so overrated, girl. It's so basic."

"Doing what?"

"Doing like, everything. You know I mean? Like even now, I'm like sitting here, writing this stupid blog post, on this stupid computer, in this stupid coffee shop, its like everything is so stupid! I mean like except you, you're like, uhm, like semi-smart cause you're like a spawn of the devil. Ha ha!"

"Aw, Thanks. You're like pretty smart for a dumb blonde too!"

"But yeah, like I just realized today that doing things was super overrated and stupid! Girl, you don't even understand."

"Puh-lease. Tell me."

"So like I was driving down like Rochester road today, and like I totally got like crashed into like this like super ratchet mom car from like 2007--I mean I don't really know what it's called, but yeah. So basically, I was like really mad, yeah, so I kinda just started screaming my effing head off. But like when that guy got out the car, he was like 'Oh my god' hot. He was like a Chris Evans mixed with like--uh--Robert Downey Jr. kinda hot. So like I kinda realized that like I wish I didn't do that, like act so impolite. Like doing that was totally some like basic move. Like I'm not a basic b*tch, girl, you feel me? But anyways. So like super cute guy came over and like talked to me, and I didn't really listen, I kinda just stared into his super dreamy eyes and he like talked for like about probably ten minutes and then got back into his car. I mean like how fricken rude is that? HE didn't even do anything to try to get my number or anything! And that was like a total turnoff for me. 'Like you didn't ask for my number, so I'm not gonna as you for yours, you man-whore.' You know? Like doing that would look super desperate--and being desperate is like totally ew."

"I totally get you, girl. But like Eric Thomas told me that like, 'If you want something to happen, you've got to make it happen' and like if you are like not going to do anything, then like nothing's gonna happen right?"

"Oh my bejeezus girl. You are like--so DUMB. You want to quote people? I can do that too. Like, In AP English class with Mrs. Valentino, we were like learning about this crazy hippy dude named like Dave Wally or something. But like anyways he said like, "If you worship money and things — if they are where you tap real meaning in life — then you will never have enough" (Wallace) and like that totally makes sense now! Because if you like do something anyways you won't ever really succeed because like you're always gonna want more, you know? It's like a continuous loop that just goes on forever and ever and like the only way to break it, I guess, is to like not do ANYTHING!"

"Wow...that was deep, girl."

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Oh what was that? Oh yeah--the elevator cause you're not on my level!" (Katie Nickens, 11)

"But like I still don't really get it..."

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Egalitarianism Is Delusional

Egalitarianism [egal·i·tar·i·an·ism] (noun)
a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people  

Everyone in this nation wants to have same privileges. Everyone deserves an equal voice to speak their thoughts. However, everyone who was born or had travelled to this glorious dystopia was given a set of unequal prerogatives. Since America's very beginnings, its founding fathers demanded "certain unalienable rights" in its declaration of independence. I would like to point out that these may not be so 'inalienable' given the fact that these rights were stripped of you when you decided to colonize on the east coast of North America that--if I may state--was the homeland of the Iroquois, which if you haven't picked up yet, is extremely hypocritical given the fact that you had stripped them of their inalienable right; but I guess that the Iroquois were also at fault because technically they did migrate to North America from Siberia ( or so the historians say) at which at that point in time, America belonged to the freaking animals, like seriously, the Iroquois stole the land from the Buffaloes. They stripped the Buffaloes of their inalienable rights.

Anyways, fast forward to mid 1800s where a absconded slave, a black one at that, gives a speech filled with ridiculous questions regarding if a slave is "entitled to liberty" or "the rightful owner of his own body." I mean really Frederick? Is a slave entitled to liberty? Of course not. The rich white property owner paid a large sum of money for an investment like it. And it can't own its body because the white property owner paid for it.
I bought it.
Let me ask this Douglass, if I owned a twelve gold Coins, and they all tried to run away and I caught eight of them and four of them ran up north as fast as their tin gold foil legs would take them, wouldn't I be left with only eight Coins to work for me? Does it not seem reasonable that I beat the living excrement out of the eight coins until the four runaway Coins return to me? Coins clearly do not deserve freedom because they're property, Frederick. I, the rich white male property owner, own them; it's in my job title.

Oh and Mrs. Stanton, just because you write "woman" and a feminine pronoun to every other line of a cheap knockoff of the declaration of independence doesn't really give you any more validity to your 'entitlement' to equal rights as men. Just because you think you may have a eight-hour day job, take care of the newborn baby, cook the family meals, drive the three other children to their separate extracurricular activies, clean the house daily while staying perfectly sane and loving, doesn't mean you deserve the same rights as the husband. I work eight hours a day, get home, help the kids with homework, and take the family bills and put them in the file cabinet for next March to take care of. Do you realize how much value I bring to this family? I'm the bigger half of this household, heck I was the bigger half in making my kids.

If none of that articulate and pellucid monologue made absolutely no sense to a mere mortal such as yourself, let's go back to second grade.

To conclude/summarize/finish, either no one deserves equality or everyone deserves equality, including the Buffaloes and Coins. However, that will never be the case as Coins will always be property and Buffaloes have been stripped of their inalienable rights. Therefore, for those of you who propagate egalitarianism are absolute fools and outcasts as you most likely belong to a minority group. You minorities are deluding yourself, take a look at the past, as history repeats itself; equality has not happened in the past, and it won't be happening anytime soon.

The skewed perspective of an average white property owning male

P. S.

Just like to say that if anyone is given unequal rights its got to be white male property owners.
We've got it bad.
 Everyone seems to hate on us, saying we hate every other minority group.

P. P. S.

Like seriously though.

P. P. P. S.

I'm not crazy you fool.

I just have a distinct set of beliefs which I hold that you may not agree with (or anyone else in the world but I really don't care)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Ambiguous Morality

Date: August 5, 1963

South Vietnamese Marine attempts to alleviate the pain of one
of his own in a sugar cane field outside Saigon. His eyes are filled
with a strange emptiness, he does not seem to feel any pain or
loss-if anything he looks at the camera as if he were a child,
confused, unable to understand the purpose of bloodshed and war.

Date: August 1962

U.S. navy troop carrier takes South Vietnamese government troops to the Privincial Capital of Ca Mau. One soldier sits on guard as the rest of the battalion rest peacefully, appearing to be lifeless. The soldier on guard seems to be wary of his surroundings. He seems to be contemplating a deep matter, possibly the purpose of the war. His eyes are filled with a strange sort of resentment that seems to be directed at no particular person or group, but rather directed at the intangible war itself.

Date: (unknown)

Blindfolded Vietnamese citizen squats in dirt as two soldiers stand behind in watch. This appears to be some sort of execution of sport as the blindfolded man wears nothing but a a ragged shirt, smudged shorts and a face of indescribable fear. Details are unknown if the soldiers in the background are North Vietnamese, South Vietnamese or U.S. marines. Regardless, this image is a clear display of ambiguous morality as for viewers of the photo it seems cruel
but for the soldiers completing the task, it is just a part of their daily routine.

Date: June 8, 1972

After an aerial napalm attack on suspected Viet Cong hiding grounds, children, horrified are followed by South Vietnamese forces down Route 1 near Trang Bang. The soldiers in the backdrop are unnaturally calm, as the one on the far right seems to be having a cigarette. This contrast between the terrified children and emotionless soldiers forces viewers to question their beliefs on the Vietnam War. Was the United States' interference during a civil war of South Vietnam and North Vietnam truly righteous?