Sunday, November 1, 2015

I've noticed that all throughout the class, Valentino's 11 AP has been discussing controversial subjects as well as the academic truths and passionate opinions well-known writers carry and how they present their ideas. We've discussed patriotism, race, memorialization and feminism. For those who are fighting for their personal beliefs and have made sacrifices for them, I personally commend. Those that have been mocked for being "different" and are standing up for themselves, you have my utmost respect. However, not every battle can be won. Contrary to what your parents have told you, some fights are impossible or unrealistic to win. Gender equality is one of them. Since the beginning of time, humans were divided by one quality: gender. It is a divide that has always existed between people. Adam and Eve were both of the same race, age and sexuality. The only difference: Adam had a penis, and Eve had a vagina. Because of this,  man won't be able to understand woman and vice versa. Because of this, I can't find a woman that has Barbie's perfects sizes and Prager can't "find a man who looks as good in clam diggers"( Prager 354). The man who created Barbie didn't wholly understand what woman really is, frankly he never will. Mr. Ryan is not a single case. Man, at this time now, can't undestand woman and because of that gender differences will thrive, regardless of geographical location. Gender differences are not like race or sexuality, man cannot truly experience a complete pregnancy a woman experiences nor can a woman understand the intrinsic pressures placed on a boy to carry his future family. Also a female will never be able to sympathize with the awkward moment when a boy has an errection and is asked to stand up by his english teacher in front of all his peers. I'm not saying to not fight the good fight. I'm saying that maybe the direction we are moving towards to solve these differences is misguided. Everything that exists in this physical realm, including the abstract, is chronic, not perpetual. Nothing is impossible forever, solving impossible just needs a change in mindset. People used to think that a mile under four minutes was impossible, but Roger Bannister changed that. He changed their mindset so much that a sub-four minute mile is now standard. What we need, is a Roger Bannister. We need a manifestation of the revolutionary idea that will bridge the genders. But change won't happen if no one takes action. We need to keep fighting the good fighting but be aware of new possibilities. It just takes a different perspective.

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