Sunday, February 7, 2016


Let's analyze these passages/scenarios and "dig deeper" in each.

  1.  What behavior (attitude etc.) does the artist want to convey or reveal?
  2. How does the artist clarify the truth of his/her intended purpose?
  3.  What is his/her true opinion?
A) IT is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is  so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters." ...Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

A)  1. behavior: Women are absolutely better than men
      2. clarification: complex sentence structure to show intelligence, capitalization to      emphasize  
      3. true opinion: Austen commentates on definitive societal standards that have established            through American History with extreme intelligence and a foolish truth. 

B)  1. behavior: people are dogs to the government

      2. clarification: anthropomorphic dog receives orders from government official
      3. true opinion: humans are controlled by the government 

(over-analyze) Satire 

C) 1. behavior: women are silly for trying to step up 
         onto the same platform men exist  
     2. clarification: woman is silent, and submissive 
         just as it God designated
     3. true opinion: men will forever reign as the 
         dominant gender; woman should remain 
         behind or beneath His greatness where she 

 D) From The Onion: 2005 Free Response Question 2
But while other insoles have used magnets and reflexology as keys to their appearance of usefulness MagnaSoles go several steps further. According to the product's Web site, "Only MagnaSoles utilize the healing power of crystals to restimulate dead foot cells with vibrational biofeedback...a process similar to that by which medicine makes people better."                                    In addition, MagnaSoles employs a brand-new, cutting-edge form of pseudoscience known as Terranometry, developed specially for Integrated Products by some of the nation's top pseudoscientists.  
D) 1. behavior: This review is complete blasphemy, holding no purpose or meaning whatsoever       2. clarification: The onion is the worst vegetable. Seemingly sweet and bright, in actuality is layered in sharp bitterness and kick which is very well known for making children cry. Similarly, any publication from The Onion is stringent and  exposes others' imperfections to attempt to overshadow its own ineligibility as a substantial provider of viable criticisms                              3. true opinion: (From The Onion POV)- "I am worthless and disgusting. I provide bogus            information to my gullible audience. I am miserable and try to cover my insignificant sugar-      honey-iced-tea with sardonic commentary. I should donate my brain to science. But even if I       did, they'd likely throw it in the composter due to how much waste it's filled with."Sardonic
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: This post doesn't state my true beliefs; it was created as a parody to the worksheet given as homework over the weekend

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